PRINCE uPVC underground Drainage and Sewerage pipes are specially designed for underground non pressure application. These pipes are produced from special PVC compounding formulation to withstand different soils, compression loads and negative hydrostatic pressures. These pipes are supplied with Solvent Cement joint sockets and Elastomeric Sealing ring Joint sockets. Pipes are available in brown colour, and standard length of 3 & 6 Mtr.
These pipes are manufactured as per IS 15328:2003 and BSEN 1401 standard and are available in the range of 63 mm to 400 mm diameters, and in following stiffness class: RINGFIT PIPES These pipes are self socketed at one end & plain at other end. Sockets are made on automatic socketing machine with accuracy. Socket has groove inside to retain rubber ring. The rubber ring joint ensures trouble free water tight joint with allowance to expansion / contraction. |